Friends of Children Foundation

Reintegration&nbsp&nbsp | &nbsp&nbspEducation&nbsp&nbsp |&nbsp&nbspSelf Reliance

We would love to hear from you

Please visit or call us with your questions.

Address in Netherlands

Friends of Children Foundation (FCF)
Contact: Nicola Ojoki
George Hendrik Breitnerstraat 22
7312 MN Apeldoorn
The Netherlands

Address in South Sudan

Friends of Children Foundation
Contact: Santino Elia
Aljazeera Square – 27 North
Plots 15 – 17 Wau-South
South Sudan

Donation details:

IBAN: NL21INGB0008335434
KvK: 08145819
ANBI: 81563909

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Please write us with your questions or comments.

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