Friends of Children Foundation

Reintegration&nbsp&nbsp | &nbsp&nbspEducation&nbsp&nbsp |&nbsp&nbspSelf Reliance


Reintegration of homeless children is the most important part of the project in Wau. It consists of re-integration, education (primary/vocational) and self-reliance trainings. We see homeless children roaming the streets as a temporary and soluble problem. The aim of the project is to offer these children a home and a place in the society. Living with families or host families and following education, being vocational trainings for adults and basic education programs.

The project approach consists of “street education” and “school education”. Employees of the project get involve in contact with the children on the street. We share meals with them, listen to their stories and organize social interaction programs including games and sports.
It is an intensive and successful method that requires a great deal of attention, patience and social trainings qualities. The project aims to motivate around 150 children per year to participate actively. The community members are highly involved in the project through voluntary works and social supports.

The cost of the project includes meals, medical assistance, recreational activities, transport, guidance and education.

Support the children by placing your funds to the project of your choice or to general activities. Together we can build their future.

The complete project document and information can be supplied on request. And will receive a substantive and financial report including photos at the end of the project period.


Friend of Children Foundation - Wau, South Sudan - 05

Bringing Education within Reach for Children

The Keys to a New Future for Exploited Chlidren

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